Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The link below will take you to the survey. Thank you for taking the time to be an active participant in our community.
Take our Survey!
Memorial Day Parade - Sunday, May 24th at 2 pm

The Portland Republicans invite you to join us in the Portland Memorial Day Parade. We will be rolling out our elephant and blowing up the balloons for the annual parade to honor those who have served. Please contact us at or call Cindy Varricchio at 342-0184 for more information on how you can participate.
We also invite anyone who is interested in learning more about the Portland Republicans to come to our next meeting on Tuesday, May 26th at 7:30 pm at the American Legion on Freestone Avenue.
Come on Over! The Portland Republicans Welcome You!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
We're on Facebook!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Thanks to all who came out and voted!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Portland Republicans Are Busy!!!
Next on our calendar, the Portland Republicans will be participating in the town-wide tag sale sponsored by the Historical Society. We will be located at 329 Main Street. We will feature many great items for children including, a “like-new” playhouse, wooden doll house with furniture, little Tykes kitchen, as well as brand new never-opened toys, and much more….
There will also be a bake sale with a delicious selection of homemade treats.
We invite you to stop by. Please be sure to enter the free drawing for a $25 gift certificate to TriTown Foods.
See you Saturday!
Portland Republican Town Committee
Come On Over, the Portland Republicans Welcome You!
Please join us!

The Portland Republicans are looking for interested citizens to become involved in our local government. We invite you to join us, there are many ways to participate:
We have openings for membership on the Republican Town Committee (RTC). We are an energetic Committee that works collaboratively promoting community and Republican events. The RTC has the responsibility to support and promote local, state and national Republican candidates to include planning and organizing campaigns.
We are seeking candidates for this year’s municipal election. We are looking for candidates for the Board of Selectmen, Board of Education, Board of Assessment Appeals and Zoning Board of Appeals.
We welcome citizen involvement. We certainly realize that we all have great demands on our time. You are welcome to join in for a specific area of interest, issue, etc. without having to make a tremendous commitment.
For more information, please contact me at 342-0184 or at You need not be a registered Republican to inquire about these opportunities.
Please join us. Your participation is always welcome!
Cindy Varricchio