Thursday, October 29, 2009

Leadership Vision Leadership Vision Leadership Vision Leadership Vision Leadership Vision Leadership Vision Leadership Vision Leadership Vision Leadership Vision Leadership Vision Leadership Vision
Perspectives from Sandy Another Twist to "Ask Sandy"
This is my last "Ask Sandy" before the elections on November 3rd. I would first and foremost like to thank everyone who took the time to email me a question. I find that I look forward to the exchange of ideas even with those who may not agree with my responses. I believe we can all learn something from each other. Secondly, but not any less important, I want to share with you my perspective on issues that seem to run through the campaign as a common theme:
I would like to applaud the Economic Development Commission for all its hard work. The professional signage in the Industrial Park, the Business Recognition Programs and the Informational Breakfast series are all good initiatives. I believe we have an additional opportunity here, we need to measure the success of these initiatives against the goals set. The questions need to be asked; Did they promote and retain existing businesses and attract new businesses appropriate to our community? Did they provide additional jobs and additional tax revenue to offset the jobs and revenues lost with the closure of many businesses such as Smurfit-Stone?
In my opinion that answer would be NO! One initiative that I will explore as First Selectman is to extend water lines and sewers along Route 66 to prompt more economic development of this area. Development that will eventually increase the business and industrial tax base in the town which will in turn reduce residential property taxes. Economic Development requires vision and leadership.
The Town of Portland runs its own municipal water system and there seems to be many problems associated with this. The High Street water main has been breaking for years. It is supposedly scheduled for replacement in 2010 or 2011. Those residents impacted by this are running short of patience; my family included.
At this time approximately 25% of the town has town water. A major user of water at the time of the contract negotiation with MDC is no longer a user, they pulled out leaving those remaining responsible for the costs. There is no long term water expansion plan to attract more customers. Perhaps it is time to consider the town getting out of the water business and leave it to professionals with the financial capacity to run it effectively. To a better water system I say YES!
It did take vision to purchase this property ten years ago. It is my understanding it cost the town over $1 million to purchase including unpaid taxes. I would say that was money well spent. The town then leased the property to a private company; Brownstone Explorations & Discovery in 2005. The initial term of the lease is for five years with four additional four year renewal terms. A total of 25 years. From this lease the town has made approximately $120,000 over five years. The private company has made close to $1million in gate receipts alone; this does not include all the other activities for which the company charges. A review of the property indicates tremendous liability issues. The private company is a LIMITED LIABILITY company.
I truly hope the town is regularly reviewing this private company's insurance coverage as well as its own and has done a legal review of the form waiver everyone signs. A security fence around the quarry (not just by the front entrance gate) is a must and is an unmet requirement under the lease. I say YES it is time to review the details of this "deal".
The Portland Republicans support the idea of utilizing the Reservoir for family-oriented swimming, picnicking and other recreational activities. Portland has the largest amount of riverfront in the area yet we have no public access to water. Some say that it was is too expensive to pursue utilizing the Reservoir others say we need the Reservoir for emergency water. Regardless of naysayers, we need to at least dust off the plans and take a look at what can be done. Times have changed and the plan at the time was fairly grandiose; changes can be made to make the plan better. Ten years is a long time to keep saying no. A fresh look at things will bring a new perspective to something that has long been needed for our community. I continue to say YES to this idea.
I may be a "new-comer" to the town but I have a tremendous amount of experience working with people. People want to feel that they can go into the town hall and be treated with respect. I know it is easy to ridicule our campaign slogan " We Hear You" probably because it is something new. We honestly mean it and have tried very hard during this campaign to meet and talk with as many people as possible. We have been told that the current administration does not listen and is not available to meet with residents. I know you can't please all the people all of the time but some of the people some of the time would have been nice!. I say YES to an open door policy at the town hall where people want to go not just need to go.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Portland Fair was a wonderful weekend. On behalf of the Portland Republicans, I extend a big thank you to all of the volunteers who have spent countless hours organizing this wonderful fall event. At the Fair I was asked a multitude of questions, had great conversations and learned what many of you are impassioned about. I would like to share with you a sampling of those conversations.
Yes I am! I learned this past weekend that many people perceive this as a positive and they embrace that I am not a longtime politician with promises to fulfill. On the other hand I was quite surprised that a few concluded that my three years in Portland equates to a lack of experience or a lack of passion for the town. I chose to move to Portland because of the small town charm and the strong sense of community. My 25+ years of business experience have provided me with so many ideas for how the town leadership can enable our town to be well run and better positioned for the future. Seeing what Portland IS, is what made me want to live here and seeing what Portland COULD BE, is exactly what motivated me to run for the position of 1st Selectman. The Portland Republicans have a slate of candidates that includes many “newcomers” along with life-long residents all, who have joined together because of our love of Portland and the desire to bring leadership and a sustainable vision for our town’s future.
This is clearly a situation on everyone’s mind, especially for those that receive their water from the water mains from High Street. The survey that was conducted in May and June by the Portland Republicans revealed that 62% of the respondents believe that our public water system lacks long term solutions. We agree! I am a proven business leader as well as an attorney with a record of building consensus, planning for the future, and executing a sustainable vision. I will work with our water provider to seek out solutions improve our system with the ultimate goal of a minimal
cost impact to our citizens and a long term solution.
Portland has the largest amount of Connecticut riverfront, yet no public access to the water. The Portland Republicans have proposed utilizing the Reservoir for family-oriented swimming, picnicking, and other recreational activities. This is just one area of opportunity for our citizens for recreation. There is a core of volunteers that have worked diligently giving countless hours to bring community awareness to the jewel of property along the riverfront. There have been many studies completed about the economic vitality of the town that corresponds to our riverfront.
I pledge to work with our citizen volunteers to move forward to implement a viable and affordable plan for our community along the riverfront. I am honored to be running for 1st Selectman of
Portland. I do not take lightly the work to be done. There are many challenges before us and I, along with my fellow Republican candidates, am ready to get the job done!
On November 3rd, please cast your vote for the team who listens, who has a vision for our future, who has reached out to hear your concerns, to listen to your ideas and is ready to move Portland into the future.
Sandy Downes
John Anderson
Carl Chudzik
Tom Nash
Matt Rice
Joe Dinegar
Jenny Godwin
Brenna Kosicki
Chris Orcutt
Peter Castelli
Marabeth Gildersleeve
Jack Sterry
Dan Varricchio
Wine Tasting Event on Sunday!
An opportunity to meet the Republican candidates for office and enjoy a great fall afternoon.
Tickets are $45 a couple or $25 a person. For more info contact Cindy at 342-0184 or email .
See you there!
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Focus on the importance of volunteers and those who work efficiently to save the town money yet provide essential services. Reduce publicity on program "frills" and P.R. hype.
Allow the Portland Reservoir area to be used for a Portland Residents Park to canoe, fish, swim, bikes and walk.
Can we develop the reservoir area (now that it is no longer used as water supply) for fishing, hiking, biking and passive recreation use?
Swimming would be very expensive --insurance. Let dog owners walk their dogs and not expect taxpayers pay to exercise their dogs. We all managed to ride bides without bike paths.
Portland needs parks, pools and more businesses! We have had a wonderful experience with the schools.
Portland doesn't have a pot to pee in and some wants a place for dogs to pee?
There are NO parks in this Town! Portland needs more choices for summer programs for the children especially for special interests.
Need to develop the waterfront. We could be an Essex or Stonington. Not a small Bridgeport!
Mansfield, CT has a fabulous community center with pool and indoor track.
More walking/bicycles paths...
I would Never Vote Republican.
A dog park would be nice.
Lack of river facilities--care more for the beetles. With the largest riverfront on the Connecticut River it is shameful.
Swimming--Brownstone is private.
Put a beach in at the Reservoir! or a bike path. We would use regularly.
Don't spend money for nonessential items during recessionary times, like a dog park, this is not essential.
Portland lacks public parks. Riverfront Park smells of oil, has a sewer running through it and has no beauty at all. We need a park where our community can gather.
We have a quarry to swim in. We do not need to pay for a dog park. We have fields at over priced schools. We do not need to pay for bikepaths. NOTHING IS FREE!
Would like to see more recreational opportunities for adults.
Focus not on political party--good of community at large.
Portland needs more family activities.
The Parks and Recreation Commission is unable to accomplish developing resources. There are too many commissions--Parks and Rec, Brownstone Quorum, etc. that are trying to develop things. Pool these resources and maybe something will get done. We need bike and walking paths. Develop Airline Trail. Parks and Rec has a whole plan paid for but not able to act on.
Would strongly recommend building bike path on old railroad line and connecticut to Airline Trail that runs from East Hampton to Andover(?) (It's great). May be able to use Federal stimulus funds. Also open up Portland Reservoir for biking, hiking, fishing and swimming activities.
I believe that Town Government provides many services that the Town can't afford and has no business providing. I think that the Town should make cut-backs--enough to reduce the average homeowners taxes to $2,000 a year!!!!
Recreation is almost dismal.
I am friends with someone on the Brownstone Quorum. The group is trying to build a park by the river with no funding and the labor of only about a dozen people. The park will be for town use. Kids with ATVs have destroyed the field that was planted (grass) last year. The Board of Selectmen has repeatedly ingnored requests to stop it. Somehow it won't get mowed. Meanwhile, across the river Cromwell is building a beautiful park with federal funding. they have roads, a gazebo and town support!
Do you really expect things to change.......with a Democratic majority on the BOS? and elsewhere?
Monday, September 21, 2009
Commenting on the Portland Republican Website
Bring on the issues. Don't be shy.
Friday, September 18, 2009
As promised, I want to continue the conversation we started with our survey by launching this new column. I truly want you to feel free to tell me about your concerns, and more importantly, ask how I plan on addressing them when I am elected as your First Selectman.
I will start by asking the first question, which I have been asked the most over the past few months:
“Why do you want to be First Selectman of Portland?”
Truthfully, I asked myself this question when I considered accepting the nomination. I have a great career that I enjoy and I don’t harbor secret aspirations of being a “career politician”. I was, however, frustrated with some of the inaction and lack of leadership and vision around issues I saw in the town that could and should be addressed such as the potential placement of propane tanks near schools and senior housing, blight ordinances that are “hard” to enforce, and businesses that left and businesses that never were because of red tape and process issues.
I am an attorney and legal strategist with over 25 years of corporate legal and business experience (which includes running a small business) that has provided me with a complementary mix of business and legal skills in the area of employee benefits, contract negotiations, budget management and strategic business planning. Not to be immodest, I feel that I am what Portland needs at this time—a strong leader with a vision for the town that residents can believe in and support. Being your First Selectman is more than just being a “professional manager”. It takes leadership and vision.
To sum it all up—I care deeply about our town and I want to help it be everything the residents want it to be and more.
Now it’s your turn. Ask me a question via email at
Saturday, September 12, 2009
A big thanks to the Brownstone Quorum and Portland Youth Services for coordinating the event.
Good old fashioned New England fun!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Wine, beer and soda along with hors d'oeuvres, great company and conversation. The cost is $25 per person or $45 per couple.
Sunday, September 20th
4 pm
106 Chestnut Hill Road
For tickets or more information, please contact Cindy Varricchio at 342-0184 or at
See you there!

There will be a delicious selection of baked goods and some great tag sale items.
All the festivities begin at 9 am!
See you there!

Pictured from left to right: Jennifer Godwin, Matthew Rice, Marabeth Gildersleeve, Thomas Nash, Sandra Downes, Joseph Dinegar, John Sterry Sr., Carl Chudzik, Christopher Orcutt, Brenna Kosicki, Peter Castelli and Richard Varricchio (not pictured John Anderson).
First Selectman
Sandy and her husband Jim, a longtime real estate broker, and their son Matthew moved to Portland from Glastonbury three years ago and immediately jumped in as community activists. Sandy and Jim are residents at Bartlett Hill where Sandy has served on their Executive Board as well as President of the Bartlett Hill Association. Sandy is Vice Chairman of the PRTC and Chairman of the PRTC Finance Committee.
Sandy brings a highly credentialed, well diversified background that will serve the interest and citizens of Portland well. She received a BA in Psychology and a BS in Education from the University of Connecticut, and has done course work toward her MBA at the University of Hartford. Sandy holds a Juris Doctor degree from Western New England School of Law, which she earned while working full-time and attending law school at night for five years.
Sandy has been employed in the insurance and financial services industry for over 25 years. She currently is Senior Counsel and Assistant Vice President for the Corporate Law Group at The Hartford focusing on technology law with experience in negotiating complex, legal agreements. She recently was part of a team which received the prestigious Chairman’s Award for completing three major acquisitions for the company.
Sandy was instrumental in putting together the survey that the Portland Republicans recently conducted. Sandy is just what Portland needs!
John is the Senior Republican Board of Selectmen Member. John was elected to the Board of Selectmen in 2003. John is a life-long resident of Portland. John works for his family-owned business Anderson Farm Supply. In his three terms as a Selectman, John has served as chairman of the Board of Selectmen subcommittees for Tax Relief and the use of Town-owned vehicles by employees. He has also served as liaison to many boards and commissions including Economic Development, Long Range Capital Improvements and Water and Sewer. John and his wife Sally have two daughters. John has served the citizens of Portland for the past six years with integrity, honesty and energy. He is a dedicated and experienced.
Carl is seeking his second term on the Board of Selectmen. As in anything that he does, Carl is a very active Board member. He has served as chairman of the Energy subcommittee and as a member of the Blight subcommittee. He has lived on Jobs Pond for 22 years with his wife Joann and 9 year old daughter Addie. Carl is the owner and broker of Chudzik Realty since 1988. He holds a Bachelors in Marine Science from St. Francis College in Maine. Carl is an advocate for conservation and Portland waterways. Carl presently holds a 50-ton master Captains License from the United States Coast Guard. His leadership and fiscal responsibility was truly demonstrated in the preparation of the past two municipal budgets.
Tom is a Senior Risk Management Analyst for American Eagle Federal Credit Union in East Hartford. Tom has earned the Certified Protection Professional designation and is Board Certified in Security Management by the American Society for Industrial Security International. Tom is a member and Director of the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI) and serves as the Connecticut Chapter president, as co-chair of the International’s Training and Education Committee and holds the Certified Financial Crimes Investigator Designation. His 40 years of experience includes nine years of experience in law enforcement. Tom has presented fraud prevention programs nationally. Tom lives on Summer Street with his wife Gloria.
Matthew is a Mortgage Broker with a background in finance, banking and marketing. He moved to Portland in 2006 while working in the mortgage business as a Loan Officer for HSBC. Matt is a graduate of Quinnipiac University. Matt sees this opportunity as a new challenge which will build upon his past and current experience. Matt recently became involved with the Portland Republicans in the last election cycle. Matt and his wife Maxine reside on Waverly Avenue.
Board of Education
Jenny is a lifelong Portland resident. She is the daughter of Bob & Nancy Godwin and grand daughter of Frank & Audrey Godwin and Dorothy Ahlberg. She is engaged to Stephen Lohmeyer and will be getting married this fall. Jenny is a graduate of Mercy High School and UCONN. She also attended the University of Vermont and studied abroad. She is employed by Liberty Bank and works in the Portland Office. Jenny will bring a young and fresh perspective to the Board of Education.
Chris and his wife Tami have two sons Jacob age 18 and Zachary age 15. They have lived in town for 14 years. Chris was active in the Portland Fire Department as an EMT and Firefighter and was a Lieutenant at Company 3 for two years. He is serving his third year as the Vice President of the Portland High School Music Boosters. Chris’s educational background includes undergraduate degrees in Veterinary Medicine (AAS, SUNY Delhi 1983) and Biology (BS, Utica College of Syracuse University) with a Masters degree in Molecular & Cellular Biology from the University of New Haven. He has been employed by Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Company for 14 years, and is the Associate Director of Expedited Safety Reporting.
Board of Assessment Appeals
Peter is a life-long Portland resident seeking his second term on the Board of Assessment Appeals. Peter graduated from Queens College, New York with a B. A. in Political Science. Peter is employed by A & A Office Systems as a Software Solution Specialist. Peter and his wife Sandra reside on Penfield Hill Road. Peter’s breadth of business experience is a tremendous asset as a member of the Board of Assessment Appeals.
Jack has an extensive resume. He served 40 years on the Board of Assessment Appeals. He is currently a member of the Portland Veterans Commission. Jack has served Portland in so many ways over the years. He was recognized in July with the Lifetime Republican Award for a lifetime of community service and dedication. Jack and his wife reside on Old Marlborough Turnpike. They have four children and six grandchildren.
Richard (Dan) just recently graduated as a Surgical Technologist and prior to that worked in the transportation industry for over 25 years. Dan has served on the Portland Senior Citizen Advisory Board and as a Boy Scout Leader. He works part time as Marine Auxiliary Officer for the Town of Essex and seeking employment as a Surgical Technologist. Dan his wife Cindy have two grown children.
- Thank you for asking our opinions. Great Survey! Can you do anything about the dangerous sidewalks on Main Street?
- I think that since participation in Open Choice was inevitable, Portland was wise to agree to participate now while we have some choice/control over how many students per year come to Portland.
- I'm not totally opposed to open choice, but the way we rushed into it without reviewing all the facts. Taxpayers were invited to several meetings and BOOM a month later it went through.
- I do not feel the First Selectman and Board of Selectmen always listen to the people. So I am taking the time to say we DO NOT WANT anything to do with propane storage in our town. Please listen and protect our children.
- This survey is a good start.
- This Town SUCKS.
- Our education system is behind the times. Intense support for short term intervention is not offered--ie speech services until it impacts school performance. By that time it's too late--opportunities missed for child.
- Focus on the importance of volunteers and those who work efficiently to save the town money yet provide essential services. Reduce publicity on program "frills" and P.R. hype.
- We are very lucky to have such capable and dedicated leaders--Democrats and Republicans!
- Susan needs to go! Find a good Republican to run!
- Susan Bransfield is open, smart and a terrific asset to Portland.
- Portland's elected officials only listen to the largest voting blocks! To ensure they are elected again. That goes for Dems as well as the Republicans.
- I lived in Portland for many years, moved aay and returned approximately 7 1/2 years ago. It seems that my 18 years away Portland stood still, sad!
- Not necessarily.
- Be less of a politician be more of a local stateman.
- I think for a town the size of Portland, we do an excellent job. Of course we can always improve.
- This postcard was an absolutely great idea! Kudos!
- Although I'm a registered independent, I appreciate this survey. Nice job!
- Go Sandra!
- Listen-Yes. Act-when folks "yell" loud enough.
- Government needs to listen to the MAJORITY of the PEOPLE, not the LOUDEST.
- Thank you for your survey!

As I started the process of seeking the Republican nomination for First Selectman for the Town of Portland, I wanted to gain insight as to some of the key issues and challenges that Portland residents see facing the town to make sure that I would be right for this critical position. To this end, the Portland Republicans sent out a survey focusing on four key areas: (1) education, (2) quality of life, (3) economic development and (4) infrastructure. The response was overwhelming. As I read the handwritten comments, two words seemed to jump off the cards and capture the general need of the responders—leadership and vision.
It was at this point that I decided to accept the nomination because I knew that with my business experience and educational background I am what Portland needs at this time—a strong leader with a vision for the town that the residents can believe in and support.
I am an attorney and legal strategist with over 25 years of corporate business experience which has provided me with a complementary mix of business and legal skills in the areas of employee benefits, contract negotiations, budget management and strategic business planning. I know I can make a difference!
In this week’s Rivereast is an insert with information regarding one of the questions on the survey. The question was: Do you believe that Portland’s elected officials listen to citizens’ opinions and act upon their concerns? As indicated by the survey, the answer is clearly NO. I encourage you to read the insert and take a moment to visit our blog at: to read many of the responses to this question and the Republican’s plan to listen to citizens. As stated in the survey, we know you want to be heard. We Hear You!
Over the upcoming weeks we will be sharing the responses with you and the Republican plan. It should be noted that the survey was not an official statistical survey, it was conducted by the Portland Republicans to learn more about the concerns of Portland residents.
I look forward to getting to know as many of Portland residents as I can. I will demonstrate that I am worthy of your support to elect me as First Selectman. Portland needs a First Selectman who can provide leadership and vision and I believe I am that person.
Sandy Downes
Republican Candidate for First Selectman
Monday, July 27, 2009
Watch this blog and our facebook at portlandctgop for more campaign information and for more information on our candidates.
If you would like to get involved with the campaign, please email us at !
Thank you to these fine individuals for stepping up for Portland! They will serve you well!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
We have a dynamic slate of candidates and are looking forward to this election season.
See you there!
For more information call Cindy Varricchio at 342-0184 or email:
The turnout was terrific. A true testament to the good works of Jack Sterry.
Thank you to all those who purchased ads in the ad book as well.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Jack Sterry Award Dinner Tonight!
Watch for pictures of the event over the weekend.
Congratulations Jack and thank you for all that you do!
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Portland Republicans are pleased to honor Jack Sterry with the Portland Republican Lifetime Achievement Award. Jack is a dedicated public servant who was elected 20 times to the Board of Assessment Appeals, serving 40 years. Jack is now an alternate to that Board. Jack is an active member of the American Legion, Warren Masonic Lodge, Shriners and Zion Lutheran Church.
A celebratory dinner will be held at Saint Clements Castle on Friday, July 24th... The theme of the evening is “Honoring our Past….Embracing our Future”. The cost per person is $45, which includes cash bar at 6 pm and dinner at 7 pm.
The Portland Republicans invite you to join us in honoring Jack Sterry and his years of service to our community. To purchase tickets, please contact Cindy Varricchio at 342-0184 or email
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Portland Republicans Announce 1st Selectman Candidate
The Portland Republicans are honored to have such a qualified candidate that represents new opportunities and a breath of fresh air for Portland.
Sandy Downes is just the ticket!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Surveys to Conclude
We are in the process of tallying up the results and will keep you posted as to the outcome!
For more information, please contact Cindy Varricchio at 342-0184 or email
Come On Over, the Portland Republicans Welcome You!
Cindy Varricchio
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
We invite all interested Republicans to join us!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The link below will take you to the survey. Thank you for taking the time to be an active participant in our community.
Take our Survey!
Memorial Day Parade - Sunday, May 24th at 2 pm

The Portland Republicans invite you to join us in the Portland Memorial Day Parade. We will be rolling out our elephant and blowing up the balloons for the annual parade to honor those who have served. Please contact us at or call Cindy Varricchio at 342-0184 for more information on how you can participate.
We also invite anyone who is interested in learning more about the Portland Republicans to come to our next meeting on Tuesday, May 26th at 7:30 pm at the American Legion on Freestone Avenue.
Come on Over! The Portland Republicans Welcome You!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
We're on Facebook!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Thanks to all who came out and voted!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Portland Republicans Are Busy!!!
Next on our calendar, the Portland Republicans will be participating in the town-wide tag sale sponsored by the Historical Society. We will be located at 329 Main Street. We will feature many great items for children including, a “like-new” playhouse, wooden doll house with furniture, little Tykes kitchen, as well as brand new never-opened toys, and much more….
There will also be a bake sale with a delicious selection of homemade treats.
We invite you to stop by. Please be sure to enter the free drawing for a $25 gift certificate to TriTown Foods.
See you Saturday!
Portland Republican Town Committee
Come On Over, the Portland Republicans Welcome You!
Please join us!

The Portland Republicans are looking for interested citizens to become involved in our local government. We invite you to join us, there are many ways to participate:
We have openings for membership on the Republican Town Committee (RTC). We are an energetic Committee that works collaboratively promoting community and Republican events. The RTC has the responsibility to support and promote local, state and national Republican candidates to include planning and organizing campaigns.
We are seeking candidates for this year’s municipal election. We are looking for candidates for the Board of Selectmen, Board of Education, Board of Assessment Appeals and Zoning Board of Appeals.
We welcome citizen involvement. We certainly realize that we all have great demands on our time. You are welcome to join in for a specific area of interest, issue, etc. without having to make a tremendous commitment.
For more information, please contact me at 342-0184 or at You need not be a registered Republican to inquire about these opportunities.
Please join us. Your participation is always welcome!
Cindy Varricchio
Saturday, April 25, 2009
All are welcome!
Thank you!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tag Sale Donations Wanted
Are You Interested in Public Office?
The offices to be elected this November are First Selectman, Board of Selectmen, Board of Education, Board of Assessment Appeals and Zoning Board of Appeals.
If you would like more information or are interested, please do not hesitate to contact Cindy Varricchio at 342-0184/ or Devin Schleidt at 324-0743 (yes 324!)/ .
Drawing for Gift Certificate to TriTown
The drawing will take place on Monday, April 27th at our next Town Committee meeting. The winner will be notified via email.
Pancake Breakfast Thank You!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Recycle and Protect Your Identity from Theft!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Lincoln Day Dinner
Saturday, March 21st the 33rd Senatorial District held a Lincoln Day Dinner Event in celebration of Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday! The scene was set at the Gelston House in East Haddam with over 120 guests! Kudos to the Gelston House for a fine job, the food was delicious and the staff was wonderful!
Our keynote speaker State Senator Sam Caligiuri spoke to the wisdom and integrity of Abraham Lincoln. He also happened to mention that he exploring challenging Senator Dodd.
Ken Gronbach, the Chairman of the Haddam Republican Town Committee and author of The Age Curve gave an entertaining and educational presentation about demographics and how we as a party need to strategize on how demographics will impact voters.
Connecticut GOP Chairman Chris Healy, always a good speaker, rallied the troops, challenging each and everyone of us to step up and to invite participation of fellow citizens to build the Republican Party and to elect more Republicans.
The planning for such a large event always requires the hardwork and dedicate of key people who make it all happen. Hats off to Beverly MacDonald and Sandy Downes from Portland and Melissa Ziobron from East Haddam. Terrific job!
Check out the pictures below:
The silent auction in full gear!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The Portland Republicans are an energized and determined group of individuals. Our goal with this blog is to provide information and to hear from Portland's citizens.
We invite you to use this blog as a community bulletin board. An opportunity to share your concerns and your ideas and to keep your fellow citizens informed. We invite you to join us in recognizing when a fellow citizen has earned a kudos or pat on the back for an endeavor well done or to commend our youth for outstanding accomplishments. Portland is a great place to live!
It is the desire of the Portland Republicans to be a conduit of information to our wonderful community. True community success is derived from people coming together to work toward a common goal.
We request that should you post to this blog that you be respectful and that you refrain from inappropriate language or innuendo. Please know that all postings will be screened in advance to ensure they are appropriate.
We welcome your input!
Thank you for visiting the Portland Republicans blog.
The Portland Republicans meet the fourth Monday of each month at the American Legion on Freestone Avenue.
Come on Over! The Portland Republicans welcome you!
Cindy Varricchio
Town Chairman