- Thank you for asking our opinions. Great Survey! Can you do anything about the dangerous sidewalks on Main Street?
- I think that since participation in Open Choice was inevitable, Portland was wise to agree to participate now while we have some choice/control over how many students per year come to Portland.
- I'm not totally opposed to open choice, but the way we rushed into it without reviewing all the facts. Taxpayers were invited to several meetings and BOOM a month later it went through.
- I do not feel the First Selectman and Board of Selectmen always listen to the people. So I am taking the time to say we DO NOT WANT anything to do with propane storage in our town. Please listen and protect our children.
- This survey is a good start.
- This Town SUCKS.
- Our education system is behind the times. Intense support for short term intervention is not offered--ie speech services until it impacts school performance. By that time it's too late--opportunities missed for child.
- Focus on the importance of volunteers and those who work efficiently to save the town money yet provide essential services. Reduce publicity on program "frills" and P.R. hype.
- We are very lucky to have such capable and dedicated leaders--Democrats and Republicans!
- Susan needs to go! Find a good Republican to run!
- Susan Bransfield is open, smart and a terrific asset to Portland.
- Portland's elected officials only listen to the largest voting blocks! To ensure they are elected again. That goes for Dems as well as the Republicans.
- I lived in Portland for many years, moved aay and returned approximately 7 1/2 years ago. It seems that my 18 years away Portland stood still, sad!
- Not necessarily.
- Be less of a politician be more of a local stateman.
- I think for a town the size of Portland, we do an excellent job. Of course we can always improve.
- This postcard was an absolutely great idea! Kudos!
- Although I'm a registered independent, I appreciate this survey. Nice job!
- Go Sandra!
- Listen-Yes. Act-when folks "yell" loud enough.
- Government needs to listen to the MAJORITY of the PEOPLE, not the LOUDEST.
- Thank you for your survey!
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